Friday, June 13, 2008

Memoirs of a Meal

Wow! I was just reading my last blog entry and what a load of crap it was! Sorry readers for boring you to death with my uninteresting ramble of school activities. I will now attempt to try to make my blog more worthy of your precious time.
According to some sources (of which some of you may be familiar with), smell is the sense most closely linked with memory. But for me, I have to say it’s food that I most often associate with different recollections in my life. Whenever I see a particular food, it reminds me of a certain time or experience I had it. I know lots of people will relate certain foods to unpleasant results they had from eating it but me food memories are different to those ‘bad experiences’. Here are a few examples:
Anticold (the cough lozenges) - They remind of the boy I used to live across the road from, in Sydney. We took the bus to primary school together. I remember the first and only time I ever ate one was when he offered one to me. I remember us discussing the liquid red centre and trying to taste it.
Mandarins- My friend Sisi. She was the one who told me the little bit in the centre was the sweetest part. I’ve been trying to taste the sweetness ever since and it still seems tasteless to me!
French Onion Dip, Mountain bread, peeled oranges, cream cheese (Philadelphia) - What do all these things have in common? You guessed it! TREK! We had copious amounts of these (except for the dip which I got on solo) and I’m still not sick of them (well maybe except for mountain bread which we had almost every day) (what’s with these brackets?)(why do I keep bracketing?)(I think I have a compulsive bracket-using disorder)(what is wrong with me?)(STOP U USING BRACKETS U IDIOT!)!
Sorry about my brief episode of self-conflict. I told you I was going to be a little erratic in this blog, hence the name Hannah goes Bananas. Now, where was I? Ah yes, food memories.
Great, that’s all I can think of atm. Now, dear readers, help me out here. Let’s have some audience participation shall we? In your comments share some of your interesting food memories; I’d love to hear about them! Speaking of audience, I’ll give a shout out to my latest addition of commenters. HIYA SOPHIE! HEY SISI!
Until next time…
As my microwave says- Enjoy your meal!


qwerty said...

yea.. keep trying! at the mandarin thing... lol, it's sweet [sometimes]

i_heart_smiles said...

hehe lol funny blog hannah...
I'll always think of the tim tam thing... & mmm what else...TNTs & Ghost drops remind me of school...& i have some bad food experiences which i do not wish 2 repeat!!!

xoxo Liv

Sophie said...

sushi reminds me of urban...coz i ate a dodgey one that mum made for me on day, and i was throwing up all night :) i no longer love sushi.

sprinkles. said...

-comments 4 months later-

As my microwave says- Enjoy your meal! <--- that made me laugh cos it sounded so stupid but it was true LOL

and yeah i finally read it(: and i liked it too x]

my food memory would probably be nothing . cos i hate eating food =_____= . so yeah i don`t have a food memory D:

sprinkles. said...

man , i looked at the title of your post again , and it reminds me of

Memoirs of a Geisha .


i`m kidding hannah<3 (:

<3 leah .